Designing AMD FPGAs Using the Vivado Design Suite 2

SKU: FPGA-VDES2 Category: Tags: ,

Course Description

Learn how to build a more effective FPGA design.
The focus is on:
▪ Using synchronous design techniques
▪ Utilizing the Vivado™ IP integrator to create a sub-system
▪ Performing power analysis and optimization to improve the power efficiency of a design
▪ Reviewing and analyzing timing reports for a design
This course builds on the concepts from the Designing FPGAs Using the Vivado Design Suite 1 course.

Level: FPGA 2

Course Duration: 2 days ILT /19
Course Part Number: FPGA-VDES2
Who Should Attend:Digital designers who have a working knowledge of HDL (VHDL or Verilog) and who are new to Xilinx FPGAs.


▪ Intermediate HDL knowledge (Verilog or VHDL)
▪ Digital design knowledge and experience (attendees should be
electrical engineers)
▪ Experience with the basics of the Tcl language
▪ Designing FPGAs Using the Vivado Design Suite 1

Software Tools 

  • Vivado System Edition 2024.2


  • Architecture: UltraScale™ FPGAs
  • Demo board (optional): Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC ZCU104 board*

* This course focuses on the UltraScale architecture. Check with your local Authorized Training Provider for the specifics of the in-class lab board or other customizations.
After completing this comprehensive training, you will have the necessary skills to:
▪ Identify synchronous design techniques
▪ Build resets into your system for optimum reliability and design speed
▪ Create a Tcl script to create a project, add sources, and implement a design
▪ Describe and use the clock resources in a design
▪ Create and package your own IP and add to the Vivado IP catalog for reuse
▪ Use the Vivado IP integrator to create a block design
▪ Apply timing exception constraints in a design as part of the Baselining procedure to fine-tune the design Perform power analysis and optimization
▪ Describe the HDL instantiation flow of the Vivado logic analyzer

Course Outline

Day 1

  • UltraFast Design Methodology
    ▪ UltraFast Design Methodology: Design Creation
    Introduces the UltraFast methodology guidelines on design creation. {Lecture}
    Design Techniques
    ▪ Synchronous Design Techniques
    Introduces the synchronous design techniques used in an FPGA design. {Lecture}
    Investigates the impact of using asynchronous resets in a design. {Lecture, Lab}
    Register Duplication
    Covers the use of register duplication to reduce high fanout nets in a design. {Lecture}
    Using Tcl Commands in the Vivado Design Suite Project Flow
    Introduces basic Tcl commands and executing a Tcl script. {Lecture, Lab}
    Scripting in Vivado Design Suite Non-Project Mode
    Demonstrates how to write Tcl commands in the non-project batch flow for a design. {Lecture, Lab}
    Clocking in the UltraScale Architecture
    Clock Structure and Layout in the UltraScale Architecture
    Describes UltraScale clocking architecture and differences in the clocking architectures between 7 series and UltraScale FPGAs. {Lecture}
    Clock Buffers in the UltraScale Architecture
    Reviews the different clock buffers and clock migration. {Lecture}
    Clock Management in the UltraScale Architecture
    Highlights clock management resources. {Lecture}
    Clock Routing in the UltraScale Architecture
    Describes clock routing, distribution, and the benefits of clock routing. {Lecture, Lab}
    I/O in the UltraScale Architecture
    UltraScale Architecture I/O Resources: Overview
    Provides an overview of the I/O resources and I/O banks available the UltraScale architecture. {Lecture}
    UltraScale Architecture I/O Resources: Component Mode
    Describes component mode, SelectIO™ interface logic, SERDES technology, and programmable delay lines. {Lecture}
    UltraScale Architecture I/O Resources: Native Mode
    Describes SelectIO interface logic, BITSLICE technology, native mode clocking, and the High Speed SelectIO Wizard. {Lecture}

Day 2

IP Integrator
▪ Designing with the IP Integrator
Demonstrates how to use the Vivado IP integrator to create the uart_led subsystem. {Lecture, Demo, Lab}
Block Design Containers in the Vivado IP Integrator
Describes the block design container (BDC) feature and shows how to create a BDC in the IP integrator. {Lecture}
▪ Creating and Packaging Custom IP
Covers creating your own IP and package and including it in the Vivado IP catalog. {Lecture, Lab}
Using an IP Container
Illustrates how to use a core container file as a single file representation for an IP. {Lecture, Demo}
Timing – Intermediate
Report Clock Networks
Demonstrates how to use the report_clock_networks command to view the primary and generated clocks in a design. {Lecture, Demo}
Timing Summary Report
Reviews how to use the post-implementation timing summary report to sign off for timing closure. {Lecture, Demo}
Clock Group Constraints
Describes applying clock group constraints for asynchronous clock domains. {Lecture, Demo}
Introduction to Timing Exceptions
Introduces timing exception constraints and applying them to fine tune design timing. {Lecture, Demo, Lab}
Power Analysis and Optimization Using the Vivado Design Suite
Illustrates using report power commands to estimate power consumption. {Lecture, Lab}
▪ Configuration Process
Reviews the FPGA configuration process, such as device power up and CRC checks. {Lecture}
▪ HDL Instantiation Debug Probing Flow
Covers the HDL instantiation flow to create and instantiate a VIO core and observe its behavior using the Vivado logic analyzer. {Lecture, Lab}

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