Designing AMD FPGAs Using the Vivado Design Suite 1

SKU: FPGA-VDS1 Category: Tags: ,

Course Description

This course offers introductory training on the AMD Vivado™ Design Suite and demonstrates the FPGA design flow for those uninitiated to
FPGA design.
The course provides experience with:
▪ Creating a Vivado Design Suite project with source files
▪ Simulating a design
▪ Performing pin assignments
▪ Applying basic timing constraints
▪ Synthesizing and implementing
▪ Debugging a design
▪ Generating and downloading a bitstream onto a demo board

Level: FPGA 1

Course Duration: 2 days ILT/19
Course Part Number: FPGA-VDES1
Who Should Attend?: Digital designers new to FPGA design who need the learn the FPGA design cycle and the major aspects of the Vivado Design Suite.


  • Basic knowledge of the VHDL or Verilog language
  • Digital design knowledge

Software Tools

  • Vivado System Edition 2024.2


▪ Architecture: UltraScale™ FPGAs
▪ Demo board: Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC ZCU104 board**

This course focuses on the UltraScale architecture. Check with your local Authorized Training Provider for the specifics of the in-class lab board or other customizations.
After completing this comprehensive training, you will have the necessary skills to:

Use the New Project Wizard to create a new Vivado IDE project
▪ Describe the supported design flows of the Vivado IDE
▪ Generate a DRC report to detect and fix design issues early in the flow
▪ Use the Vivado IDE I/O Planning layout to perform pin assignments
▪ Perform clocking and static timing analysis (STA)
▪ Synthesize and implement an HDL design
▪ Apply clock and I/O timing constraints and perform timing analysis
▪ Use the Xilinx Power Estimator (XPE) tool to estimate power
▪ Use the Schematic and Hierarchy viewers to analyze and cross-probe a design
▪ Use the Vivado logic analyzer and debug cores to debug a design

Course Outline

Day 1

Device Architectures
▪ Introduction to FPGAs
Provides an overview of FPGA architecture and describes the advantages, applications, and major building blocks of FPGAs. {Lecture}
AMD FPGA and Adaptive SoC Portfolio
Introduces 7 series and UltraScale FPGAs, stacked silicon interconnect-based 3D IC devices, Zynq 7000 SoCs, Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCs, and Versal™ adaptive SoCs. {Lecture}
Vivado IDE Overview
▪ Introduction to the Vivado Design Suite
Describes various design flows and the role of the Vivado IDE in the flows. {Lecture}
Introduction to the Tcl Environment
Introduces Tcl (tool command language). {Lecture}
Vivado Design Suite Project-Based Mode
Introduces project-based mode in the Vivado Design Suite, including creating a project, adding files to a project, exploring the Vivado IDE, and simulating a design. {Lecture, Lab}
Vivado Design Suite Non-Project Based Mode
Describes the design flow using non-project batch mode, including using design analysis commands and how constraints are managed in non-project mode. {Lecture}
UltraFast™ Design Methodology
▪ UltraFast Design Methodology: Board and Device Planning
Introduces the methodology guidelines on board and device planning. {Lecture}
Vivado Tool Flow
▪ RTL Development
Covers RTL and the RTL design flow, recommended coding guidelines, using control signals, and recommendations on resets. {Lecture}
Behavioral Simulation
Describes the process of behavioral simulation and the simulation options available in the Vivado IDE. {Lecture}
Vivado IP Flow
Demonstrates how to customize IP, instantiate IP, and verify the hierarchy of your design IP. {Lecture, Demo, Lab}
Vivado Synthesis and Implementation and Bitstream Generation
Reviews creating timing constraints according to the design scenario, synthesizing and implementing the design, and, optionally, generating and downloading a bitstream to a demo board. {Lecture, Lab}
Design Analysis
▪ Basic Design Analysis in the Vivado IDE
Outlines the various design analysis features in the Vivado Design Suite. {Demo, Lab}
Vivado Design Rule Checks
Illustrates how to run a DRC report on the elaborated design to detect design issues early in the flow. Fix the DRC violations. {Lab}
Introduction to Vivado Reports
Demonstrates generating and using Vivado timing reports to analyze failed timing paths. {Lecture, Demo}

Day 2

Timing – Basics
▪ Introduction to Clock Constraints
Shows how to apply clock constraints and perform timing analysis. {Lecture, Demo, Lab}
Generated Clocks
Demonstrates using the report clock networks report to determine if there are any generated clocks in a design. {Lecture, Demo}
I/O Constraints and Virtual Clocks
Covers applying I/O constraints and performing timing analysis. {Lecture, Lab}
Timing Constraints Wizard
Reviews how use the Timing Constraints Wizard to apply missing timing constraints in a design. {Lecture, Lab}
Static Timing Analysis (STA)
Describes the clock and its attributes, basics of clock gating, and static timing analysis (STA). {Lecture}
Setup and Hold Violation Analysis
Covers what setup and hold slack are and describes how to perform input/output setup and hold analysis. {Lecture}
Pin Planning
▪ Vivado Design Suite I/O Pin Planning
Describes the I/O Pin Planning layout for performing pin assignments in a design. {Lecture, Lab}
▪ Power Estimation Using XPE
Illustrates estimating the amount of resources and default activity rates for a design and evaluating the estimated power calculated by XPE. {Lecture, Lab}
Understanding Design Power
Describes the importance of power closure and device selection for better time to market. {Lecture}
Versal Adaptive SoC Power Design Manager
Discusses using the Power Design Manager tool, including import and export functions. {Lecture}
▪ Introduction to FPGA Configuration
Describes how FPGAs can be configured. {Lecture}
▪ Introduction to the Vivado Logic Analyzer
Provides an overview of the Vivado logic analyzer for debugging a design. {Lecture, Demo}
Introduction to Triggering
Introduces the trigger capabilities of the Vivado logic analyzer. {Lecture}
Debug Cores
Describes how the debug hub core is used to connect debug cores in a design. {Lecture}

PDF Version Designing FPGAs Using VDS 1