Course Description
Explore the Vivado™ IP integrator tool and its features to gain the expertise needed to develop, implement, and debug different IP integrator block designs using the Vivado Design Suite.
This course focuses on:
▪ Creating an IP integrator block design using the Vivado Design Suite
▪ Creating your own custom IP via the IP packaging flow
▪ Using the block design container (BDC) and module referencing features of the IP integrator
▪ Using the IP integrator to add and configure the Versal™ device CIPS block and then to export the generated programmable device image (PDI)
▪ Configuring the AXI network on chip (NoC) to access DDR memory controllers in Versal devices
Level – FPGA 1
Course Details
▪ 2 days ILT /19
Course Part Number – FPGA-IPI
Who Should Attend? – Software and hardware developers, system architects, and anyone who wants to learn about the Vivado Design Suite IP integrator tool
▪ Basic knowledge of AMD FPGAs and adaptive SoCs
Software Tools
▪ Vivado Design Suite 2024.1
▪ Vitis™ Unified IDE 2024.1
▪ Architecture: UltraScale™ family and Versal adaptive SoCs
▪ Demo board: Zynq™ UltraScale+™ ZCU104 board
After completing this comprehensive training, you will have the necessary skills to:
▪ Describe the Vivado tool flow for RTL-based and IP-based design flows
▪ Create a Vivado IP integrator block design using the Vivado Design Suite
▪ Describe the block design container feature in the IP integrator
▪ Package custom IP and add it to the IP catalog repository or manage it from a remote location
▪ Add an RTL module or a block design (BD) into a block design by using RTL module referencing
▪ Add and configure the Versal device CIPS block and export the generated hardware
▪ Configure the AXI NoC to access DDR memory controllers in Versal devices
▪ Debug a design by adding debug cores using the IP integrator
▪ Use a revision control system in the Vivado Design Suite flows
Course Outline
Day 1
Vivado IP Catalog
▪ Vivado IP Flow
Demonstrates how to customize IP, instantiate IP, and verify the hierarchy of your design IP. {Lecture, Demo}
Using the Vivado IP Integrator
▪ Getting Started with Vivado IP Integrator
Introduces the Vivado IP integrator tool and its features. Also reviews creating and working with block designs. {Lecture, Demo, Lab}
▪ Designing IP Subsystems Using Vivado IP Integrator
Illustrates designing with processor-based subsystems and working with custom RTL code. Also explains how to create Vitis platforms using Vivado IP integrator. {Lecture, Lab}
▪ Block Design Containers in the Vivado IP Integrator
Describes the block design container (BDC) feature and shows how to create a BDC in the IP integrator. {Lecture, Lab}
▪ Creating and Packaging Custom IP
Covers creating your own IP and package and including it in the Vivado IP catalog. {Lecture, Lab}
▪ Module Referencing in IP Integrator
Shows how to quickly add an RTL module or a block design (BD) into a block design by using RTL module referencing. {Lab}
Day 2
▪ Versal Adaptive SoC: Hardware Platform Development Using the Vivado IP Integrator
Describes the different Versal device design flows and covers the platform creation process using the Vivado IP integrator. {Lecture, Lab}
▪ Versal Adaptive SoC: NoC Introduction and Concepts
Reviews the basic vocabulary and high-level operations of the NoC. {Lecture, Labs}
▪ Debug Flow in an IP Integrator Block Design
Shows how to insert the debug cores into IP integrator block designs. {Lecture, Lab}
Version Control Systems
▪ Revision Control Systems in the Vivado Design Suite
Investigates using version control systems with the Vivado design flows. {Lecture, Lab}
Vivado IP Catalog
▪ Managing IP in Remote Locations
Covers storing IP and related files that are remote to the current working project directory. {Lecture}
PDF Version Designing with the IP Integrator Tool