AMD Vivado Advanced FPGA Design

April 28, 2025 - May 01, 2025

SKU: FPGA-VDES-3-4-UFDM-DC-COMBINED-042825 Category: Tag:

Course Description

This course for experienced AMD FPGA designers allows you to maximize QoR in terms of clock rates, timing closure and power management. This class also enhance both individual and team productivity. The complete range of topics, tips and “best practices” gives you complete control of the Vivado DS tool flow. That includes both project and non-project modes. Using advanced analysis and the most up-to-date optimization strategies, you’ll be able to thoroughly leverage every available Vivado DS capability. This custom class combines key elements from both the “Designing FPGAs with Vivado” -Level 3 & 4 classes, along with the “Ultra-Fast Design Methodology” and the new “FPGA Design Closure” classes from AMD Customer Education. This combination effectively gives you all the advanced FPGA design insights in one place, including new Vivado ML Edition features and resources.

The emphasis of this course is on:
▪ Advanced design analysis and debug
▪ Source-synchronous IO timing constraints
▪ New Vivado ML Intelligent Design Run (IDR) features
▪ Timing and design closure techniques

Level – FPGA 3 & 4
Course Details
▪ 4 session- 6 hours /29
Course Part Number – FPGA-VDES-3-4-UFDM-DC-COMBINED
Who Should Attend? – Experienced AMD FPGA designers needing to maximize their QoR, individual/team productivity, and fully leverage the Vivado Design Suite.
▪ FPGA Design Essentials
▪ Or Designing FPGA with Vivado DS – Level 1 or 2
▪ Or Ultrafast Design Methodology
▪ Or roughly 1 year AMD FPGA design experience
Software Tools
▪ Vivado Design Suite
▪ Architecture: AMD 7-Series and Ultra-Scale FPGA families

After completing this comprehensive training, you will have the necessary skills to:
▪ Employ good alternative design practices to improve design reliability
▪ Define a properly constrained design
▪ Apply appropriate I/O timing constraints and design modifications for source-synchronous and system-synchronous interfaces
▪ Analyze a timing report to identify how to center the clock in the data eye

Course Specification

Apply appropriate techniques to reduce logic and net delay and to improve clock skew and clock uncertainty
▪ Utilize floorplanning techniques to improve design performance
▪ Employ advanced implementation options, such as incremental compile flow, physical optimization techniques, and re-entrant mode as last mile strategies
▪ Utilize security features, bitstream encryption, and authentication using AES for design and IP security
▪ Debug a design at the device startup phase to debug issues related to startup events, such as MMCM lock and design coming out of reset
▪ Use Tcl scripting in non-project batch flows to synthesize, implement, and generate custom timing reports
▪ Apply baseline constraints to determine if internal timing paths meet design timing objectives
▪ Optimize HDL code to maximize the FPGA resources that are inferred and meet performance goals
▪ Build a more reliable design that is less vulnerable to metastability problems and requires less design debugging later in the development cycle
▪ Implement Intelligent Design Runs (IDR) to automate analysis and timing closure for complex designs
▪ Perform quality of results (QoR) assessments at different stages to improve the QoR score
▪ Use Vivado Design Suite reports and utilities to full advantage, especially the Clock Interaction report
▪ Describe how to enable remote debug

Course Outline

Session 1
Vivado Tool Flow
Vivado Design Suite Non-Project Mode
Create a design in the Vivado Design Suite non-project mode.
Tcl Commands
▪ Scripting in Vivado Design Suite Non-Project Mode
Write Tcl commands in the non-project batch flow for a design.
▪ Timing Simulation
Simulate the design post-implementation to verify that a design works properly on hardware.
Design Techniques
Use recommended baselining procedures to progressively meet timing closure.
Use pipelining to improve design performance. {Lecture, Lab}
Infer AMD-Xilinx dedicated hardware resources by writing appropriate HDL code.
Sampling and Capturing Data in Multiple Clock Domains
Overview of debugging a design with multiple clock domains that require multiple ILAs.
Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) and Synchronization Circuits
Use synchronization circuits for clock domain crossings.
Design Runs
▪ Intelligent Design Runs (IDR)
Introduces Intelligent Design Runs (IDR), which are special types of implementation runs that use a complex flow to attempt to close timing.
Design Analysis
Report Clock Interaction
Use the clock interaction report to identify interactions between clock domains.
Report Datasheet
Use the datasheet report to find the optimal setup and hold margin for an I/O interface.
▪ QoR Reports Overview
Describes what quality of result (QoR) is and how to analyze the QoR reports generated by the Vivado IDE.

Session 2

Version Control System
▪ Revision Control Systems in the Vivado Design Suite
Use version control systems with Vivado design flows.
▪ Dynamic Power Estimation Using Vivado Report Power
Use an SAIF (switching activity interface format) file to determine accurate power consumption for a design.
Timing – Advanced
I/O Timing Scenarios
Overview of various I/O timing scenarios, such as source- and system-synchronous, direct/MMCM capture, and edge/center aligned data.
System-Synchronous I/O Timing
Apply I/O delay constraints and perform static timing analysis for a system-synchronous input interface.
Source-Synchronous I/O Timing
Apply I/O delay constraints and perform static timing analysis for a source-synchronous, double data rate (DDR) interface.
Timing Constraints Priority
Identify the priority of timing constraints.
Case Analysis
Understand how to analyze timing when using multiplexed clocks in a design.
Introduction to Floorplanning
Introduction to floorplanning and how to use Pblocks while floorplanning.
Design Analysis and Floorplanning
Explore the pre- and post-implementation design analysis features of the Vivado IDE.
Identifies congestion and addresses congestion issues.
Timing Closure Using Physical Optimization Techniques
Use physical optimization techniques for timing closure.
Power Management Techniques
Identify techniques used for low power design.
Tcl Commands
Manipulating Design Properties Using Tcl
Query your design and make pin assignments by using various Tcl commands.

Session 3

Timing – Closure
▪ Reducing Logic Delay
Describes how to optimize regular fabric paths and paths with dedicated blocks and macro primitives.
Reducing Net Delay
Reviews different techniques to reduce congestion and net delay.
Improving Clock Skew
Describes how to apply various techniques to improve clock skew.
Improving Clock Uncertainty
Reviews various flows for improving clock uncertainty, including using parallel BUFGCE_DIV clock buffers, changing MMCM or PLL settings, and limiting synchronous clock domain crossing (CDC) paths.
Introduction to UltraFast Design Methodology Timing Closure
Introduces the UltraFast methodology guidelines on design closure.
Vivado Tool Flow
▪ Hierarchical Design
Overview of the hierarchical design flows in the Vivado Design Suite.
▪ Incremental Compile Flow
Utilize the incremental compile flow when making last-minute RTL changes.
Vivado Design Suite ECO Flow
Use the ECO flow to make changes to a previously implemented design and apply changes to the original design.
Vivado IP Catalog
Managing IP in Remote Locations
Store IP and related files remote to the current working project directory. {Lecture, Lab}

Session 4|

▪ Configuration Modes
Understand various configuration modes and select the suitable mode for a design.
Daisy Chains and Gangs in Configuration
Introduces advanced configuration schemes for multiple FPGAs.
Bitstream Security
Understand the AMD bitstream security features such as readback disable, bitstream encryption, and authentication.
▪ Netlist Insertion Debug Probing Flow
Covers the netlist insertion flow of the debug using the Vivado logic analyzer.
▪ JTAG to AXI Master Core
Use this debug core to write/read data to/from a peripheral connected to an AXI interface in a system that is running in hardware.
▪ Debug Flow in an IP Integrator Block Design
Insert the debug cores into IP integrator block designs.
Remote Debugging Using the Vivado Logic Analyzer
Use the Vivado logic analyzer to configure an FPGA, set up triggering, and view the sampled data from a remote location.
Trigger and Debug at Device Startup
Debug the events around the device startup.
Trigger Using the Trigger State Machine in the Vivado Logic Analyzer
Use trigger state machine code to trigger the ILA and capture data in the Vivado logic analyzer.
UltraFast Design Methodology (UFDM)
UltraFast Design Methodology: Implementation
Reinforces the methodology guidelines covered throughout this course.

• Timing Simulation
• Baselining
• Pipelining
• Inference
• Sampling and Capturing Data in Multiple Clock Domains
• Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) and Synchronization Circuits
• Debug Case Study: Report CDC
• Increasing Design Performance Using Report QoR
• Intelligent Design Runs (Featured)
• Revision Control Systems in the Vivado Design Suite
• Dynamic Power Estimation Using Vivado Power Report
• Netlist Insertion Debug Probing Flow
• Debug Flow in an IP Integrator Block Design
• Remote Debugging Using the Vivado Logic Analyzer
• Manipulating Design Properties Using Tcl
• Incremental Compile Flow
• Vivado Design Suite ECO Flow (Featured)
• Managing IP in Remote Locations
• Source-Synchronous I/O Timing
• Timing Closure Using Physical Optimization Techniques (Featured)
• Improving Clock Uncertainty
• Design Analysis and Floorplanning
• Trigger Using the Trigger State Machine in the Vivado Logic Analyzer
• Scripting in Vivado Design Suite Non-Project Mode
• Debugging a Design Using Tcl Commands
• Using Regular Expressions in Tcl Scripting

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