Designing with Versal AI Engine: DSP Applications

SKU: AIE-DSP Category: Tags: , ,

Course Description

This course covers the AMD Versal™ AI Engine architecture and using the AI Engine DSP Library, system partitioning, rapid prototyping, and custom coding of AI Engine kernels. Developing AI Engine DSP designs using AMD Vitis™ Model Composer is also demonstrated.
The emphasis of this course is on:
▪ Providing an overview of the AI Engine architecture
▪ Utilizing the Vitis DSP library for AI Engines
▪ Performing system partitioning and planning
▪ Adding custom kernel code for designs
▪ Creating AI Engine DSP designs using Vitis Model Composer
▪ Analyzing reports using Vitis Analyzer

Level – ACAP 2
Course Details
▪ 2- 4 hour sessions ILT /9
Course Part Number – AIE-DSP
Who Should Attend? – DSP users, software and hardware developers, system architects, and anyone who needs to accelerate their software applications using our devices
▪ Comfort with the C/C++ programming language
▪ Vitis tool for acceleration development flow
▪ Comfort with basic signal processing concepts
▪ Basic knowledge of Versal AI Engine architecture and programming
Software Tools
▪ Vitis Unified IDE 2024.1
▪ Vitis Model Composer 2024.1
▪ Architecture: Versal adaptive SoCs

After completing this comprehensive training, you will have the necessary skills to:
▪ Describe the AMD Versal AI Engine architecture
▪ Utilize the AI Engine DSP library and create a filter design with the AMD Vitis Unified IDE
▪ Follow the system partitioning and system mapping methodology
▪ Add custom kernel code to a design
▪ Design a DSP function with the Vitis Model Composer AI Engine library
▪ Analyze AI Engine designs using the Vitis Analyzer utility

Course Outline

Day 1

▪ AMD Versal AI Engine Architecture
Introduces the architecture of the AI Engine and its components. {Lecture}
▪ Introduction to the AI Engine DSP Library
Provides an overview of the AI Engine DSP library, which enables faster development and comes with ready-to-use example design
that help with using the library and tools. {Lecture, Labs}
System Partitioning Methodology
Covers the system design planning and partitioning methodology for mapping design requirements to the AI Engine. {Lecture, Lab}
Rapid Prototyping and Custom Coding of AI Engine Kernels
Describes the AI Engine programming flow with kernels and Adaptive Data Flow (ADF) graphs. Also outlines the kernel coding
methodology for writing custom kernel code and rapid prototyping.{Lecture, Lab}
Overview of AI Engine Kernel Optimization
Highlights the various AI Engine kernel optimization techniques, such as compiler directives, software pipelining, coding for
performance, and core utilization. {Lecture}
Analyzing AI Engine Designs Using the Vitis Analyzer
Covers the different reports generated by the Vitis Unified IDE and how to use these reports to optimize and debug AI Engine
kernels. {Lecture}
AI Engine DSP Designs with Vitis Model Composer
Describes the Vitis Model Composer tool and how to use the libraries available with the tool for AI Engine DSP design development. {Lecture, Lab}

PDF Version Designing with Versal AI Engine DSP Applications