Designing with the AMD Versal Adaptive SoC: PCI Express Systems

SKU: ACAP-PCIE Category: Tags: , ,

Course Description

This course introduces the features and capabilities of the PCIe® and Cache Coherent Interconnect blocks in the Versal™ architecture.
Learn how to implement a Versal ACAP PCI Express® solution in custom applications to improve time to market.
The emphasis of this course is on:
▪ Describing the Xilinx PCI Express design methodology
▪ Enumerating various Xilinx PCI Express core products
▪ Selecting the PCI Express IP cores from the Vivado® DesignSuite
▪ Generating PCI Express example designs and simple applications
▪ Identifying the advanced capabilities of the PCIe specification
This course also focuses on the AXI-Streaming interconnect.

Level – Connectivity 3
Course Details
▪ 2 days ILT /19
Course Part Number – ACAP-PCIE
Who Should Attend?
▪ Hardware designers who want to create applications using Xilinx IP cores for PCI Express
▪ Software engineers who want to understand the deeper workings of the Xilinx PCI Express solution
▪ System architects who want to leverage key Xilinx advantages related to performance, latency, and bandwidth in PCI Express applications
▪ Experience with the PCI/PCIe specification protocol
▪ Experience with the Vivado Design Suite
▪ Moderate digital design experience
Software Tools
▪ Vivado Design Suite 2024.1
▪ Architecture: Versal Adaptive SoC

After completing this comprehensive training, you will have the necessary skills to:
▪ Construct a basic PCI Express system by:
▪ Selecting the appropriate IP for your application
▪ Specifying requirements of an endpoint application
▪ Connecting PCIe IPs with the user application
▪ Utilizing PL and PS resources supporting PCI Express
▪ Simulating and implementing PCI Express systems
▪ Identify the advanced capabilities of the PCI Express specification protocol and feature set

Course Outline

Day 1

▪ Introduction to PCI Express
Introduces the course and discusses a few key topics of the PCI Express protocol. {Lecture, Lab}
▪ Versal ACAP PCIe Solutions Overview
Provides an overview of the Xilinx PCI Express solutions in the Versal architecture and identifies key differentiators. {Lecture}
PCIe Block Architecture and Functionality
Describes the PL PCIe block architecture. You will learn details on the block features and functionality. {Lecture}
PCIe Block Interfaces Overview
Provides an overview of the PL PCIe block interfaces. Deeper discussion on physical layer and general interfaces. {Lecture}
PCIe Block Requester Interfaces
Reviews the requester AXI4-Streaming core interfaces. You will learn how to utilize packet descriptors for request interfaces. {Lecture}
PCIe Block Completer Interfaces
Reviews the completer AXI4-Streaming core interfaces. You will learn how to utilize packet descriptors for completion interfaces. {Lecture, Lab}
▪ PHY for PCI Express
Describes the Versal device PHY for PCI Express IP architecture and interfaces. You will learn how to utilize this soft IP in PCI
Express designs. {Lecture}
PCIe Block Customization
Illustrates customizing the PL PCIe block. You will learn how to utilize the various configuration options. {Lecture, Lab}
PCIe Block Test Bench and Simulation
Discusses PCIe block simulation. You will learn how to utilize the generated example design to verify the functionality of the PL PCIe solution. {Lecture, Lab}

Day 2
PCIe Block Implementation

Discusses implementation topics. You will review the placement recommendations for the PL PCIe blocks, transceivers, clocks,
and resets. {Lecture, Lab}
PL PCIe Block Debugging Overview
Describes the PCI Express debugging options in the Versalndevice PCI Express physical and transaction layers. You will learn
how to perform PCI Express link debug. {Lecture, Lab}
CPM Architecture and Functionality
Describes the CPM block architecture and functionality. You will learn the commonalities and differences to the PL PCIe solution.
▪ CPM Block Customization
Reviews the configuration options of the CIPS CPM block. You will learn how to customize the CPM PCIe block. {Lecture}
CPM IP Use Cases
Describes typical use cases for the Versal device PCI Express solutions to enable you to select the right solution for your design
requirements. {Lecture, Lab}
Introduction to DMA
Reviews DMA basics and describes DMA in the context of the PCI Express standard. {Lecture}
PL PCIe XDMA/Bridge Subsystem
Describes the Versal device XDMA architecture and features as well as DMA descriptor usage and interface options. You will
learn how to utilize the XDMA subsystem. {Lecture, Lab}
PL PCIe QDMA Subsystem
Describes the Versal device QDMA architecture and features. You will learn how to utilize the QDMA subsystem and its queue usage. {Lecture}

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