Course Description
This course provides a thorough introduction to high-level synthesis (HLS) using the AMD Vitis™ Unified IDE.
The focus of this course is on:
▪ Converting C/C++ designs into RTL implementations
▪ Learning the HLS component development flow
▪ Creating I/O interfaces for designs
▪ Applying different optimization techniques to designs
▪ Improving throughput, area, latency, and logic by using different HLS pragmas/directives
▪ Exporting IP that can be used with the Vivado™ IP catalog
▪ Migrating designs from the classic Vitis HLS tool to the Vitis Unified IDE
Level – DSP 3
Course Details
▪ 2 sessions ILT/19
Course Part Number – DSP-HLS
Who Should Attend? – Software and hardware engineers looking to utilize high-level synthesis
▪ C or C++ knowledge
▪ Basic RTL design flow knowledge
Software Tools
▪ Vitis Unified IDE 2024.1
▪ Vivado Design Suite 2024.1
▪ Vitis HLS tool 2024.1
▪ Architecture: Zynq® UltraScale+™ MPSoC and Versal® AI Core series
▪ Demo board: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU104 board*
* This course focuses on the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC architecture.
Check with your local Authorized Training Provider for the specifics of the in-class lab board or other customizations.
After completing this comprehensive training, you will have the necessary skills to:
▪ Enhance productivity by using the AMD Vitis Unified IDE for HLS component development
▪ Describe the HLS component development flow
▪ Use the Vitis Unified IDE to create an HLS component
▪ Identify common coding pitfalls as well as methods for improving RTL/hardware code
▪ Use directives/pragmas to improve throughput, area, latency, and logic and to select RTL interfaces
▪ Perform system-level integration of IP generated by the Vitis Unified IDE
▪ Migrate designs from the classic Vitis HLS tool to the Vitis Unified IDE
Course Outline
Day 1
Introduction to High-Level Synthesis
Provides an overview of high-level synthesis (HLS), the Vitis Unified IDE for HLS flow, and the verification advantage. {Lecture}
▪ HLS Component Development Flow
Explores the HLS component development flow in the Vitis Unified IDE. {Lecture, Lab}
▪ Abstract Parallel Programming Model for HLS
Describes the structuring of a design at a high level using an abstract parallel programming model. {Lecture}
▪ Design Exploration with Directives
Explores different optimization techniques that can improve design performance. {Lecture}
▪ HLS Component Development Using the Command Line
Describes the unified command line interface and the the v++ and vitis-run commands. {Lecture, Lab}
▪ Introduction to Vitis HLS Design Methodology
Introduces the methodology guidelines covered in this course and the HLS Design Methodology steps. {Lecture}
▪ Introduction to I/O Interfaces
Explains interfaces such as the block-level and port-level protocols abstracted by Vitis HLS from a C design. {Lecture}
▪ Block-Level Protocols
Explains the different types of block-level protocols abstracted by Vitis HLS. {Lecture, Lab}
▪ Port-Level I/O Protocols
Describes the port-level interface protocols abstracted by Vitis HLS from a C design. {Lecture, Labs}
▪ AXI Adapter Interface Protocols
Explains the different AXI interfaces (such as AXI4-Master, AXI4- Lite (Slave), and AXI4-Stream) supported by Vitis HLS. {Lecture}
Vitis HLS Code Analyzer
Provides an overview of the Vitis Code Analyzer, its features, and how to view generated reports. {Lecture, Lab}
Day 2
Optimizing for Performance: PIPELINE
Describes the PIPELINE directive for improving the throughput of a design. {Lecture, Lab}
▪ Optimizing for Performance: DATAFLOW
Describes the DATAFLOW directive for improving the throughput of a design by pipelining the functions to execute as soon as
possible. {Lecture, Lab}
▪ Optimizing for Throughput
Describes the performance limitations caused by arrays in a design. Also explores optimization techniques to handle arrays for
improving performance. {Lecture, Lab}
▪ Optimizing for Latency: Default Behavior
Describes the default behavior of Vitis HLS on latency and throughput. {Lecture}
▪ Optimizing for Latency: Reducing Latency
Describes how to optimize the C design to improve latency. {Lecture}
▪ Optimizing for Area and Logic
Describes different methods for improving resource utilization and explains how some of the directives have impact on the area
utilization. {Lecture, Lab}
▪ Optimizing AXI System Performance
Describes AXI burst transfers and their types. Also outlines the optimization steps to improve system performance. {Lecture}
▪ Vitis HLS Libraries
Describes the library support offered by Vitis HLS. {Lecture}
▪ Vitis HLS Libraries: Arbitrary Precision Data Types
Describes Vitis HLS support for the C/C++ languages as well as rbitrary precision data types. {Lecture, Lab}
▪ Using Pointers in Vitis HLS
Explains the use of pointers in a design and workarounds for some of the limitations. {Lecture}
▪ HLS Component Design Flow – System Integration
Illustrates the process of developing and exporting an HLS component as Vivado IP. {Lab}
▪ Migrating to the Vitis Unified IDE – HLS Component
Describes the need for the Vitis Unified IDE and identifies different approaches for migrating projects from the classic Vitis HLS tool to the Vitis Unified IDE. {Lecture, Lab}
PDF Version High-Level Synthesis with the Vitis Unified IDE