Designing with the AMD Versal Adaptive SoC: Architecture

Course Description

Learn about the AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC architecture building blocks, such as Adaptable Engines, high-speed I/O, clocking, Scalar Engines, Intelligent Engines, and the programmable network on chip (NoC). Also learn how to use leading-edge memory and interfacing technologies to deliver powerful heterogeneous acceleration for any application.
The emphasis of this course is on:
▪ Reviewing the architecture of the Versal adaptive SoC
▪ Describing the different engines available in the Versal architecture and what resources they contain
▪ Describing the architectures of the network on chip (NoC) and AI Engine
▪ Outlining the memory solutions and programming interfaces available in the Versal adaptive SoC
▪ Identifying the PCI Express® and serial transceiver solutions available in the Versal adaptive SoC
What’s New for 2024.2
▪ Added Versal RF series details in the Introduction module
▪ Introduced the Advanced Flow for Versal implementation and the modular NoC flow in the Design Tool Flow module
▪ Introduced new open early access segmented configuration feature in the Boot and Configuration module
▪ Added the modular NoC flow for RTL users in the NoC
Introduction and Concepts module
▪ Added new GT flow information in the Serial Transceivers module
▪ Added a lab on the GT Wizard Subsystem flow
▪ All labs have been updated to the latest software versions

Level – ACAP 1
Course Details
▪ 2 days ILT /19
Course Part Number – ACAP-VARCH
Who Should Attend? – Software and hardware developers, system architects, DSP users, and anyone who wants to learn about the architecture of the Versal adaptive SoC
▪ Basic knowledge of AMD FPGAs and adaptive SoCs
▪ Basic knowledge of the Vivado™ and Vitis™ tools
Software Tools
▪ Vivado Design Suite 2024.2
▪ Vitis unified software platform 2024.2
▪ Architecture: Versal adaptive SoC
▪ Demo board: Versal VCK190 Evaluation Platform or Versal VEK280 Evaluation platform

After completing this comprehensive training, you will have the necessary skills to:
▪ Describe the Versal adaptive SoC architecture
▪ Identify the different engines available in the Versal devices and what resources they contain
▪ Utilize the hardened blocks available in the Versal architecture
▪ Describe the NoC and AI Engine architectures
▪ Outline the memory solutions and programming interfaces available in the Versal adaptive SoC
▪ Identify the PCI Express and serial transceiver solutions available in the Versal adaptive SoC
▪ Follow the high-level system migration recommendations provided in this course

Course Outline

Day 1

▪ Introduction
Describes the need for Versal devices and offers an overview of the Versal portfolio. {Lecture}
Architecture Overview
Provides a high-level overview of the Versal architecture, illustrating the various engines available in the Versal architecture. {Lecture}
Design Tool Flow
Maps the various engines in the Versal architecture to the tools required and describes how to target them for final image assembly. {Lecture, Lab}
▪ Programmable Logic (PL)
Describes the logic resources available in the programmable logic. {Lecture}
SelectIO Resources
Describes the I/O bank, SelectIO™ interface, and I/O delay features. {Lecture}
Clocking Architecture
Discusses the clocking architecture, clock buffers, clock routing, clock management functions, and clock de-skew. {Lecture, Lab}
Processing System
Reviews the Arm® Cortex®-A72 processor APU and Cortex-R5 processor RPU that form the processing system. The platform
management controller (PMC), processing system manager (PSM), I/O peripherals, and PS-PL interfaces are also covered. {Lecture}
▪ Platform Management Controller (PMC)
Describes the platform management controller architecture and the role of platform loader and manager (PLM) in the Versal
device boot process. {Lecture}
Boot and Configuration
Covers the boot phases, flows, and modes along with the process of generating a boot image. Also discusses the concept and
benefits of segmented configuration. {Lecture, Lab}
▪ System Interrupts
Discusses the different system interrupts and interrupt controllers. {Lecture}

Day 2

▪ Timers, Counters, and RTC
Provides an overview of timers and counters, including the system counter, triple timer counter (TTC), watchdog timer, and real-time clock (RTC). {Lecture}
▪ DSP Engine
Describes the DSP58 slice and compares the DSP58 slice with the DSP48 slice. DSP58 modes are also covered in detail. {Lecture, Lab}
AI Engine
Discusses the AI Engine array architecture, terminology, and AIE interfaces. {Lecture, Lab}
NoC Introduction and Concepts
Covers the reasons to use the network on chip, its basic elements, and common terminology. {Lecture, Lab}
Memory Solutions
Describes the available memory resources, such as block RAM, UltraRAM, LUTRAM, embedded memory, OCM, and DDR. The integrated memory controllers are also covered. {Lecture}
Programming Interfaces
Reviews the various programming interfaces in the Versal device. {Lecture}
PCI Express & CCIX
Provides an overview of the CCIX PCIe module and describes the PL and CPM PCIe blocks. {Lecture, Lab}
Serial Transceivers
Describes the transceivers in the Versal device. {Lecture}

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