Designing with the AMD Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC 3

October 15, 2024 - October 18, 2024

SKU: CONN-RFSOC-101524 Category: Tags: , ,

This course provides an overview of the hard block capabilities for the Zynq® UltraScale+™ RFSoC family with a special emphasis on the RFData Converter and Soft-Decision FEC blocks.
The focus is on:
▪ Describing the RFSoC family in general
▪ Identifying applications for the RF Data Converter and SD-FEC blocks
▪ Configuring, simulating, and implementing the blocks
▪ Verifying the RF Data Converter on real hardware
▪ Reviewing power estimation to help identify the power demands of the RFSoC device in various operating modes
▪ Identifying proper layout and PCB considerations since the Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC is both a high-speed and an analog and digital device

What’s New 
▪ RF direct sampling parameters added
▪ RF direct sampling parameters added
▪ RFSoC Hardware (new)
▪ Kit overview and all steps for hardware and software setup for labs and practices (new module)
▪ RFSoC Data Converter Design
▪ New example design and SDK steps now included
▪ RFSoC Data Converter Practice (new)
▪ Evaluation tool and RF analyzer tool overview
▪ Introduction to the open-source project PYNQ
▪ Sampling frequency planning details
▪ PCB Design for RFSoC Devices
▪ PCB design challenges introduction (new module)
▪ RF data converter power estimation (new module)
▪ Parameter update Gen1; parameter Gen2 added
▪ Insertion loss parameters clarification
▪ Clocking clarification; PCB routing guidelines added

Level: Connectivity 3
Course Duration: 4 sessions 6 hours start time 10 am CST /33
Course Part Number: CONN-RFSOC
Who Should Attend?: Hardware designers interested in understanding the architecture and capabilities of the Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC data converter and SD-FEC hard blocks.

▪ Suggested: Understanding of the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC architecture
▪ Basic familiarity with data converter terms and principles
▪ Basic familiarity with forward error correction terms and principles

Software Tools
▪ Vivado® Design Suite 2021.1
▪ Vitis unified software platform 
Host computer for running the above software
▪ Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC ZCU111 board*

Course Outline

Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Overview
Overview of the Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC architecture, including brief introductions to RF, RF data converter solutions, SD-FEC solutions, driver support, and tool support. {Lectures}
Covers the basics of RF-ADCs. Reviews RF-ADC architecture, functionality, interfaces, configuration, and driver support. {Lectures, Demo, Lab}
Covers the basics of RF-DACs. Reviews RF-DAC architecture, functionality, interfaces, configuration, and driver support. {Lectures, Demo, Lab}
▪ RFSoC Hardware
Provides an overview of the ZCU111 board and describes board setup. {Lecture, Practice}
▪ RFSoC Data Converter Design
Describes common features, the design flow, utilizing the example design by simulation and implementation, and verification of RF data converter functionality on real hardware. Includes practice of using a software driver to modify RF data
converter parameters. {Lectures, Labs}
▪ RFSoC Data Converter Practice
Provides practical RF data converter experience using the the ZCU111 evaluation tool and the RF analyzer tool. Demonstrates a PYNQ-based application to validate QPSK streams. Describes RF data converter frequency planning. {Lectures, Practices}
▪ PCB Design for RFSoC Devices
Describes power requirements, performing power estimation, and utilizing the power design. Analog signal requirements, PCB materials and layer stackup options, and analog trace design are also covered. {Lectures}
Covers the basics of forward error correction. Reviews SD-FEC architecture, functionality, interfaces, configuration, and driversupport. {Lectures, Demo, Lab}

PDF Version Designing Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC_gs